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Halfway to Hollywood by Michael Palin
To Venice with Love by Philip Gwynne Jones
The Lady in the Palazzo: At Home in Umbria by Marlena de Blasi
Injustice by Clive Stafford Smith
Just Ignore Him by Alan Davies
Whatever Next? by Anne Glenconner
'Tis a Memoir by Frank McCourt
Monument Maker by David Keenan
The Python Years Diaries 1969-1979 by Michael Palin
Thanks a Lot Mr Kibblewhite by Roger Daltrey
As If by Blake Morrison
Cold Burial by Clive Powell-Williams
Becoming a Dangerous Woman by Pat Mitchell
The Fear Bubble by Ant Middleton
All of These People by Fergal Keane (A Memoir)
Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries by Kate Mosse
Attagirls by Paul Olavesen-Stabb
The Heart of the Game by Jimmy Greaves
Take Courage: Anne Bronte and the Art of Life by Samantha Ellis
My Path & My Detours by Jane Russell
Flats and Durders Offload by David Flatman and Mark Durden-Smith
Seven Troop by Andy McNab
My Wild and Sleepless Nights by Clover Stroud
Diary of a Lone Twin - A Memoir David Loftus